Thursday, April 3, 2008

Quotes on Work...

I don't know why I love quotes. To me they are simple and hit the nail on the head. Throughout the month of April. I'll be dishing out quotes and recommended books on the issues being discussed. As is usually said, 'A word is enough for the wise, a quote enough for...'

Today's Quote
'The fastest way up the corporate ladder is to help those above you move higher by doing your work with diligence and zeal ' (Adebola Omololu)

We all want to do well in our personal and professional lives. To do this, you need to 'fire your boss' by making life easier for them. Learn about how best to do this so you don't get 'fired'. recommends the following books:
1. Work With Passion (Nancy Anderson)
2. Work Like You're Showing Off (Joe Calloway)
3. It's called work for a reason (Larry Winget)

Prepare. Learn. Read

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