Wednesday, April 9, 2008

On Life and Attitude...

'A gem cannot be polished without friction nor man perfected without trials'.

Whatever you are going through, you have a choice on the attitude to take. I got this message from a friend yesterday who was telling me about 2007.

'Quick update on me: In the last one year:
- my mom was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome
- she died 4 weeks before my wedding and 6 weeks before her transplant
- she was buried 2 weeks before my wedding (i actually planned a wedding and a funeral together, i pray no one ever have to do that!)
- i had my baby 2 months early due to complications
- my baby is now 4 months and doing fine.'

Do you have a problem and you think your life is over? Learn from other people. Don't be myopic and think your problem cannot be solved. recommends the following books:

1. 10 Things I Learned from Bill Porter
2. Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done
3. The Game-Changer (Released yesterday and available in Nigeria only on
4. A is for Attitude
5. Attitude is Everything

Prepare. Learn. Read

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